RSPCA Empathy program

We had a visit from the RSPCA to discuss caring for pets. Its basis is quality Empathy between owner and animal and the responsibility for this is from the owner. It’s based on the same Golden Rule idea we use for the children – treat others as you would like them to treat you, but modified in concept to fit the animal/owner relationship. Five things to provide for your pet are  – Food, Water, Shelter, Friends and Exercise.

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Big Ideas – Growth Mindset

In class we have been discussing how how important it is to put effort into things we undertake – whether it is sport, schoolwork, different challenges and friendships. We know these skills underpin successful learning and many life skills, and these You Tube clips are ones we have used to present these ideas to the children. Skills for developing Growth Mindset include collaborating with others (to extend on ideas), persistence, making good effort and developing personal skills such as confidence and questioning. It promotes the concept that challenges and effort help develop neural pathways and connections, and neuroscience research shows intelligence is fluid not static – with the implication that using your brain and reasoning power promotes brain development.

Road Safety Centre

Last week’s excursion to the Road Safety Centre was fun, educational and very informative. The children learned about how and where to cross roads safely (and at this age, with an adult), using the safety door of the car (the door by the footpath), safe places to play (not roads) and when wearing a bike helmet, don’t wear a cap too (it can make the helmet slide around). They also learned about the importance of being a safe passenger and not be distracting for the driver.  The children rode bikes around the roads specially built for the Road Safety school. Yes, it was very hard to keep to the left, watch the lights and stop for pedestrians all at the same time. Then the children had turns at being safe pedestrians and crossing the roads while others rode bikes.

SAPOL Road Safety Centre | Bonython Park





In Health we are talking about keeping safe as part of the Child Protection curriculum. We aim for a safe school and classroom environment and after playtimes we review safe play or social/play issues that arise. This encourages the children to talk about issues that might be bothering them and in a bigger picture, this same skill is a good life skill to develop. We made a ‘feelings puppet family’ – where we identified a range of feelings, such as happy, sad, confused, embarrassed, bored, excited, frustrated, angry, OK, loving, ashamed, scared and worried. With this more explicit language, the children are more able to explain and identify their feelings. Then the children had a chance to make a puppet play with their puppets.

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We have been discussing good listening skills and social skills that involve turn taking and being aware of the feelings of others as we interact. We have made ‘noise meters’ where we can set the meter to the loudness level we want while we work (Whisper / Normal /Shout) or to any level in between. We discussed how it’s appropriate to shout at the football or soccer, or maybe outside, but not OK in class or to friends while we are talking. We will have our noise meters on our tables while we work. They are fun and useful.
