Geography – Community Spaces

In Geography we have been discussing how local communities have shared spaces such as parks, playgrounds, shops, schools and possibly cinemas and/or libraries and community halls. Our school community also has shared spaces that are used for different purposes – we identified many areas such as classrooms spaces, the library, canteen, kitchen and kitchen garden, office area, the oval, playground, castle playground and the Hall. Then the children chose an area and made a diorama which we will use to talk about how these different community spaces are used for different purposes. Some of the photos are side views and some are ‘top-down’ or ‘bird’s eye views’. Can you see the different views?


Magic ‘e’

In phonics we have been learning about the Magic e or silent e, which lengthens the preceding vowel sound when it comes at the end of a word. This week’s spelling words are the a-e words and next week we will do the i-e words followed by the o-e and u-e words (all Magic ‘e’ words). The Magic ‘e’ changes the short vowel (letter sounds) into the long vowels (letter names).