We have been discussing good listening skills and social skills that involve turn taking and being aware of the feelings of others as we interact. We have made ‘noise meters’ where we can set the meter to the loudness level we want while we work (Whisper / Normal /Shout) or to any level in between. We discussed how it’s appropriate to shout at the football or soccer, or maybe outside, but not OK in class or to friends while we are talking. We will have our noise meters on our tables while we work. They are fun and useful.


Big Numbers Song. We have been talking about patterns in numbers and doing lots of counting. After 100 there are more number patterns each time you add a zero – 100, then 1000, then 10,000….. Did you know zero is a number? Note to parents – this link will take you to the song, but the ad before the song may change. Just google “You Tube kids big numbers song” In Year One we are only needing to look at numbers to 100, but it’s fun to see a big visual number picture

big numbers song